Open philosophical discussions for everybody, without application or entrance fee.
Are you interested in an open and respectful exchange of arguments? Do you enjoy thinking and pondering together with other people? Then come and join our circle, where we try to speak about the really important topics of life. We meet every first Friday of the month in the cozy CAFÉ MILLÈME in the center of Prague. A topic is chosen by the participants on the spot, then we engage in a philosophical discussion to hopefully get some deeper understanding. There are no prerequisites for participating, except curiosity and civility.
Také by tě mohlo zajímat:
Naše speciální výběry pro milovníky městského života. Navštivte doporučené akce i místa, která stojí za to.
Vybrali jsme nejlepší zmrzlinárny v Praze, nejen v centru, ale i dál od řeky. Ochutnat můžete klasickou zmrzku, parlorky (tedy cookies se zmrzlinou) i lahodný sorbet.